The Golubchik Team, in collaboration with Envolved Foundation, has launched a fundraising campaign to support humanitarian and military efforts in Ukraine.
The campaign seeks to raise funds to procure essential supplies and equipment to help the Ukrainian people and army during the ongoing conflict.
Last summer, the Golubchik Team raised funds that enabled them to purchase an ambulance and a truck filled with medical and military supplies, including drones and scopes. The team then personally delivered these supplies to the Ukrainian army in Lviv, Ukraine, saving countless lives in the process. However, with the conflict continuing to rage on, more support is urgently needed.
The Golubchik Team is hoping to receive the continued support of their family, friends, and supporters, as well as those who stand for freedom and democracy. The team is seeking donations through Envolved Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, which means that all donations are tax deductible. Donations can be made through the following link:

The Golubchik Team is dedicated to ensuring the survival of the Ukrainian nation and its people. Civilian SUVs and trucks continue to play a vital role in the humanitarian and military effort in Ukraine. These vehicles are used to transport troops, stage supplies, deliver medicine and equipment, and by frontline units to engage their enemy. The vehicles are in short supply and urgently needed to save thousands of lives.
The team is planning to deliver another set of aid to the Ukrainian people in the latter part of June of this year, depending on the situation in the country. The team’s Instagram page @our_journey_2022 showcases the success of their previous efforts and will be updated with new pictures and developments during the upcoming summer.

The Golubchik Team would appreciate any and all donations to support their efforts. When making donations through Envolved Foundation, donors can specifically designate their donations for a particular purpose through the drop-down menu. The default will be “Apply to any fund as needed.”
For more information on the fundraiser, please visit Envolved Foundation
Name: David Golubchik
Phone: 310-490-0330
Email: [email protected]

The post Fundraiser Launched to Support Humanitarian and Military Efforts in Ukraine first appeared on Social Gov.
originally published at Global News - Social Gov